
What Can You Expect From A Refurbished Computer?

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been really diving into exactly what an off-lease refurbished computer is, everything you need to know about cloud technology, and how your computer works. This week we are going to dive a little bit deeper into what you can expect and what to look for when you are purchasing a refurbished computer. 

What Is An Off-Lease Refurbished Computer?

Here at 2nd-Byte, we get asked all the time, “what is an off-lease refurbished computer?” That is  is a great question and it could mean a lot of different things to a number of people, so let me explain what it means to us:

Cloud Technology, Refurbished Computers And Saving Money, A Winning Combination!

Phil Lieber is somebody that has over 35 years of experience in the technology “world” and about every seven years we experience a major technology change and the process is for the most part the same. 

RAM & Computer Speed

Often times, in the offices in which technical support is provided, clients would ask why their computers are so slow. Most of the time computer users  assume that something needs to be updated, but many times, that’s not the case.

Computer Components 101

If you are not a tech-savvy individual, then you probably have no idea how the parts of computer work together and what each part is responsible for. You have probably heard some sort of explanation, but it’s likely that they used terms that aren’t in your everyday vocabulary. Let us break down how a computer's main components such as the processor, the RAM, and the hard drive work together seamlessly.  



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