Technology Doesn’t Have To Keep You Trapped Inside This Summer

Technology Doesn’t Have To Keep You Trapped Inside This Summer

This week, we’re going to take a little break from our normal spiel about discount computer equipment to talk about some ways to incorporate technology into some great family activities and outings; and keep your kids from becoming screen zombies this summer.

Family Road Trips

Sometimes, it’s nice to just get lost on a dusty road. Other times, it’s nice to plan a road trip.

Using technology to plan out a road trip means each member of the family may be able to plan a stop for something that they’re interested in. Each person can use the internet to do some research on local places and learn a little along the way, too!


Geocaching is a sport where you use your GPS on your smart device to find a cache of treasures hidden at a particular coordinate. This is a great way for the whole family to get out and explore their local neighborhood - and the rest of the city!

Go For A Hike

MapMyHike is a wonderful app that allows you to create your own trail guide with your smart device.

Movie Studio And Premiere Night

Let each member of the family create a video of something that interests them. You can choose a theme, such as “Adventures In Our Backyard” or let them completely loose in the world to create on their own. Then host a movie premiere night, complete with buttered popcorn, of course!

Photography Contest

This can really be incorporated into each of the other memory-maker activities. Each member of the family can take pictures of the things that interest them and capture their attention.

Different apps like FotoTrix can help with photo editing and after-effects to create some original, funky artwork.

Even better, instead of the boring old slideshow of vacation photos, host an art gallery for friends and family to come see all of your family’s new creations.

Let’s get out there and use our tech to make some great memories this summer!


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